<aside> 💡 Please not that I am an amateur developer, I may state things in my dev log that are not correct, please don’t take my word for stuff, reference the links and resources I’ve gathered throughout my log!




Messy Brainstorm Notebook Pages

Notebook Pages


My Counters Roadmap


List References

My Dev Log


Stuff is going really well! This is my current progress. I decided to make a multicounter that allows you to keep track of anything you’d like as well as save what you’re keeping track of to “your counters” so that you can track multiple things at once. The original Idea was to create the simplest thing possible that could help the environment, I chose the counter because of it’s widespread utility.

<aside> 🌲 Often people don’t realize that a small change can have a large difference over time!


By adding up every time you save a plastic bag for example, you can visualize the change your making, which, without a tool like a counter would be really hard to keep track of. Instead of sneaker collection I am gonna call this “Plastic Bags Saved”

_Users_koiibenvenutto_Documents_Developer_october2022_my-experiments_index.html(iPhone SE).png

I’ve got the layout pretty much just how I want it for mobile and now it’s time to get in there and start building out the backend.

Simultaniously, I’m looking for the best method to keep track of notes between my paper notebook and Notion so I can keep better logs of my work. I don’t want to have to take a photo every time but honestly it’s probably best. This is so cool though because now I’m like really getting in and almost writing a blog with no effort. Notion really is wonderful!


Now it’s time to continue but first I need a little bit of a refresher on arrays. At least that’s what I think I need a refresher on. Basically, how am I going to store the name, time and date created, and the count for each counter?